Shower 101

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So you’ve renovated your bathroom and you want to keep it looking brand new. Here are a few things you can do to keep your shower looking fresh.

  1. If you have a glass door or walls, do not use Windex or any other cleaning agents on them! Most shower glass comes with a coating to protect it from water residue.

  2. Invest in a squeegee. Every time you shower, use the squeegee to clean the glass. I also use my squeegee to remove excess water from my tile walls and flooring - this keeps the grout from developing moisture. Make it a game! Whoever is the last to use the shower gets to squeegee.

  3. I’m about to plug a brand - BUT - I’m only doing so because I use this product every time I clean our personal shower - and any time that I am on location for a photo shoot. (I seriously am not being paid to tell you about these…. and if you know, you know) —My absolute favorite cleaning product for a shower is the Norwex Enviro Cloth and Window Cloth. They are ECO-Friendly and work amazingly well. (I also use their Envirocloth to clean a lot of things in my house - especially right now with the limited availability of disinfecting and cleaning products.)

  4. I also recommend making sure you seal your grout every few years. This helps keep your grout from changing color or breaking down.

Norwex EnviroCloth + Window Cloth

Norwex EnviroCloth + Window Cloth

Do you have any cleaning hacks for keeping your bathroom looking brand new? Comment below!

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